Thursday, February 21, 2008

The game of love

Love is complicated.

I've never been in love. My perception of love has always been perfect. Boy meets girl. Sparks went off and they get together. She manja-manja him. He sayang-sayang her. She cares for him. He cares her. They celebrate every occassion with gifts and surprises. So long as they are together, nothing else matters. He would always feel the need to be there to protect her. She would feel the need to stand by her man. The enjoy each others' differences. They share certain interests. They accept each's strengths and weaknesses. They are just happy to be together. Simple.


Girl, you are too naive. So I've been told. Love goes beyond all that. Love can turn to hurt. Hurt will then turn to hate. Love can be cruel. I saw how love can wreck a person's life. How one gave it all up in the name of love. How they got so disappointed that they took years to recover. How people change by just being in love. You are no longer your own self and you lose your identity which others once so admired. You became a totally different person.
Love. One simple word. But deadly. Beautiful yet dangerous.

I'll never understand this. You fell madly in love with this person. You went all out of the way to win her heart. She finally said yes. It was the best thing that has ever happened to you. You went all lovey dovey around her. You filled her with promises. You won't allow anything to harm her. She's your princess. A year later, for some reason, you end the relationship. Leaving her broken and tattered. What happened to all the promises made? You've vowed not to hurt her and now this? Were your feelings for her even sincere back then? Did you mean everything you said? How can you erase all the times you had together with one sentence: I do not love you anymore.

Love alone will not stand the test of time. Or maybe it will. Sooner or later, money comes into the picture. After that, you'd need to take into account family, friends and work commitments. It's not just about the two of you anymore. You'd realise that you need to consider every decision with care as it will not only affects you. It affects your partner as well. You have another person's needs and feelings to think about. And till then, you'll wonder if you should do as you wish or to satisfy your partner's? Then comes all the arguments and fights. And yet again the love stays. Did it really? Some says it does. Some says it dies out.

Love is fragile. Who can truly grasp the real meaning of love? How do you define love anyway? Love is disguisable. There's no such thing as true love. I've been warned. Love needs efforts. Love needs sacrifices. You can't just go on with life with just love in mind. If loving is so tough and tiring, then why did you opened up your heart in the first place? Why did you place hopes and allow those hopes to be crushed? Again and again.
Love is blind. There are no proper explanations. There is no logic. You take foolish actions. Yet no one would say that you are in the wrong. No one is to be blamed either. For love is a matter of the heart. It is subjective. It is judgemental. There is no right. There is no wrong. It is just what it is. Love.
A conversation with Jay brought this up. Nothing personal. He just got me thinking.

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

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