Monday, March 16, 2009

An illusion?

I found out why. I found the cause to my disorientations. I finally knew what has made me so unfocused. I was too blinded. Too clouded by what has happened.

I was gazing at the sky this afternoon, wondering what the hell has gotten into me, and the clouds just spoke right up. Yea right. Sort of.

It was this one person. Whom I had my mind on for a while now. A passer-by. As what was termed by a close friend. "A passer-by who has touched my heart.....and left." Yes indeed.

This one person left me in a state of confusions and delusions. This one person left me with anticipation and excitement. This one person left me with butterflies in my tummy. This one person left me dumbfounded. This one person left me with so many questions that I couldn't answer. This one person left me wondering and wondering. This one person, however, simply doesn't have a single clue.

I have been told not to let go. That I deserve to be happy with the one that got me interested. I've also been told to drop it, that it was just an illusion. That it was just a fling. That it was not what it was meant to be. But, this one person, did got my heart moved at one point there.

I am uncertain. I am in doubt. I have decided to leave this one person as he is.....clueless.

0 whispered:

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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