Monday, February 15, 2010

Year of the Tiger

Just yesterday did I found out that I had so many relatives that I have never seen before all these years. "Psst..Mum....Who is that?" "Ohh, that's your dad's sister's son's daughter." "My aunt has another son?" Well well, and suddenly I have this niece that is elder than me. And all we said was "Hi, happy new year!" Yea...see you next year.

That is what new year is all about. Getting together and catch up with all these long lost relatives. And by catching up, I meant, interrogating. "My my, look at how you've grown. Which college are you in now? Oh, you've graduated? So where are you working? Where's your boyfriend? Why didn't you bring him along to meet the family? Oh, you're not attached? Why haven't you found anyone? You know, my son's in Australia. He's doing business there. And my daughter is in events. Got a lot of jobs. Met alot of people. And did I mentioned that we went to China for the holidays last year? It was so beautiful. You should bring your parents there as well. We got a new dog into the family. A very rare breed. I spent over a few hundred bucks for it. Ohh, my grandson scored high in his English test. Such a smart kid.." Boasting is also another one of our yearly activities.

Having been born and raised in the city, Chinese New Year is usually not a very big matter. Especially when you do not have elders around to tell you what to do. And you do not have to succumb to all kinds of customs. We were excited when we were younger. Reunion dinners. New clothes. New shoes. Lots of food. Shining decos. Ang pows. Cousins. Lion dances. Fire crackers. As the years go by, the new clothes and shoes were lesser. The ang pows were lesser. The cousins are all busy. It's a hassle for all the decos. You don't see lion dances that much. No one bothered about reunion dinner like before. Chinese New Year? It's just another day. No big deal.

Tradition is losing its grip on the new generation. It's no match for iPods and Blackberrys and Facebook.  What does reunion dinner mean these days? The Blackberry would be ringing the entire time of the reunion dinner. The kids don't even talk to their grandparents. The well wishes were just a formality. It's because the elders insisted. If not, they would be better off playing their PS2.

To me, Chinese New Year each year is just a yearly get together. With family and with friends.

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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