Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Smartphone addiction

Wherever I go, I see people being glued to the screens of their smartphones.

Be it waiting for the elevator, waiting at the bus stand, waiting for the train, queuing up at the counter, at the table waiting for the food to be served, waiting at the lavatory, even while walking....their eyes do not leave the screen in their hands.

So out of curiosity, I did a little "surveying". What is it that is so important on the screens that they do not even look up when crossing a road? It's not really that hard to do considering the size of smartphones these days.

Is it that text message that requires an immediate reply? Is it that Facebook post that requires an immediate comment or "like"? Is it that itch to post a picture on Instagram immediately? Is it that immediate tweet that you can't wait a couple of minutes? Is it that headlines or news that you got to read now itself?

I could still have understood if it was out of the reasons above. Well, you know, living in a fast paced world where technology is no longer a limitation and everything has to be up to-date instantly. You wouldn't want to be left out.

But guess what, some people are not glued to the screens for those reasons. Most of the people that I've "surveyed", are just simply scrolling the pages or texts. They are not reading them, they are not replying anything, they are not posting anything. They are just merely scrolling! So, that's the reason for not talking to the person next to you and making actual conversation? That's the reason for not taking an interest in what's going on around you?

That's one very serious addiction man! Unbelievable.

0 whispered:

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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