Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Time snailing through

It is 10.30 a.m. on a workday.

The person next to me is focused on her screen, stressed over an escalation mail. The person in front is engaged in a conference call. The person behind is having a team discussion. Another person at the end of the row is occupied with a sales proposal. Another can be seen in the conference room, immersed in a serious conversation. I, after having completed all required tasks, am looking out the window and thinking of how to get through the day. 

I turned to my messaging platforms in search of my chat buddies. One is rushing to meet a deadline. One is focused on an ad-hoc report from the boss. Another is getting prepared for a meeting. Oh-kayy.

I then went onto the internet. Read the local news. Read the business articles. Scrolled the social media websites. Read the international news. Gone through the gossip columns. Read some life inspiring articles. Watched some short videos. Browsed a few shopping sites. Looked at the time - 12 p.m. What?

It's either I was being too efficient or there was just isn't enough to do. On any regular day, I get to relax for more than half of the time - that's after clearing mails and accomplished tasks. Some may argue that it is what they desired - having a stress free job and being paid to chill. For me, it was great in the earlier days. But now, it is just damn freaking boring. I'm beginning to feel wasted. That's how I'm going to spend my hours each day? Just by surfing the net? Not doing anything significant? Even if I scout around and poke my nose in matters that doesn't involve me, there's still hours left to be utilized.

How is it that everyone else is screaming for more time and yet here I am wishing that it would just pick up pace? Such imbalance.

It doesn't make sense to continue on this way. It's getting demotivating. Got to start to look at options now.

0 whispered:

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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