Friday, June 15, 2007

Of friendship and love

If you were given a choice between friendship and relationship, which would you choose? The person that you like deeply is your friend. Another friend of yours is going after the person that you like. The person that you like, likes neither of you but another one of your friend. And in the mean time, another friend tries to get your attention. What would you do? Would you be willing to sacrifice your friends for a particular someone? Or would you be willing to let go the person that you have feelings for just so that you get to keep you friends at heart? Tough choice. Either way you are bound to be hurt. People are bound to be hurt. And things will never be the same again. Never.

It just comes on naturally. Human nature. Everyone needs someone. Some companion. Somebody to talk to. Somebody to do some things together. And when you get too close with people, and I mean REAL close, funny things happen. When you work with them for too long. When you hang out with them too often. When you talk to them all the time. When you see them every other day. For breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and even supper. When everything you do went from being just mere acquiantance to friend to companion to a stage beyond that and you'd feel lost and uncomfortable without what you usually do with them. If you handled it well, it won't be a disaster. But if you don't, the 'ship' cracks and in time, it'll sink. No matter which ship you're on. The question is, how rationale can you be? What justifies 'the best solution to it all'? There is no 'best solution'. One party gain. The other loses. There won't be any win-win situation here.

Some thinks that friendship over rides love. If a friend is going after the person that you like and the person that you like likes another one of your friend, things get rough and no one is retreating, fine, you back out. To save the situation from being more complicated. To save a 'war'. A cold one. But is it worth it sometimes? To let go what you want for the benefit of others? Will people thank you for your 'generosity'? You might save a cold war. You might get to keep your friends. The clique will be as it is. People will act and assume that everything is all right and things go back to the way they were. But you won't be. You have to live with the pain and the regret of losing that one person that clicks with you so well that you know you may never find another like them. And no one knows what you're going through. Even if they knew, there's nothing much they can do to ease your sufferings.

Some go for love. Nothing else is more important. Love over rides friendship. As long as you are with the one you love, every other thing is irrelevant and invisible. Even friends that you've known all your life. To get that certain someone, you are willing to break the long standing bond with friends that you've built for so many years. And you expect your friends to forgive you for being selfish later on. You ignore chats. You ignore calls. You no longer turn up on outings. You lie to people who care so much about you. You're even not your own self any more. It's like your whole world only revolves around that someone. You are so blinded by love that you fail to see every other thing around you. People will have to put up with all the pain that you've caused. And did you at least feel a little guilty? Did you miss your friends after months or maybe years of disappearing? Did it ever cross your mind that friends do want to keep you around still? And that no one actually wants to lose you? No, you didn't.

I wouldn't know which to choose too if I was in the same situation. At least some people had the courage to make a decision. Or forced to. For the better of themselves. For the better of others. There doesn't seem to be a solution where you can have both. It doesn't work that way. It's always either one. Once you've gotten yourself into it, there's no turning back. Don't be so naive to think that life will return to the way it was any more. Things will definitely change. People change. Change for the better or for worse...I guess that's up to you to decide.

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

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