Monday, April 19, 2010

The Coliseum

This is not about the one in Rome. This is about the one right in the middle of KL city.

"You youngsters won't know this place. It was a very famous dining area in the 50's and 60's."
"Awww...c'mon dad. Look around. There are youngsters on each table. Look!"
"Yea. And haven't you noticed? They are accompanied by someone elderly. They didn't come in themselves. They were introduced to this place. Just like how I brought you here."

And dad had been so right. Who would have thought that this place was once the Tony Roma's in its heydays?

The Coliseum Cafe and Hotel. Along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Western cuisine. Much remembered for their sizzling serloin steaks. Their steaks still sizzles. Trust me.

Built in 1921, the building and its interior bears the British architecture and furnishings. Spacious tables and walk ways. Arm chairs. Leisure area. Bars. Although there were certain modifcations made to the place through the passage of time, but the aura of colonialisation is still evident from the moment you step in.

Dad fondly remembers the times when the late Tuanku Abdul Rahman used to dine in with his various ministers. The taste of their signature sizzling serloin steaks and their jam and toast still resides in his memory. He related the stories where the elderly used to work as waiters and that it felt weird to have the old serve the young with their trembling hands.

Amist the mid afternoon heat, it was a pleasant sight to see a group of my dad's peers having a couple of beers in their hands while reminiscing about the past. It was a healthy mix of Chinese, Indians and Europeans, with soars of laughters and friendly pats.

We might not be able to 'read' the tales that this place has to tell. For we have not lived in the era of its glory. But for those who have, this place holds indescribable memories. Memories that would soon be lost in time.

2 whispered:

-the observer- said...

I heard of this place for a very long time. Just couldn't find the time to go there. And not to forget the difficulty of getting a car park.

I remembered that they want to demolish that building. But it didn't happen.

*~fui~* said...

Buzz me the next time u return. I'll bring u there. Parking is not really a hassle. There are open spaces parking behind. But u got to walk a distance.

It wasn't demolished coz of protests around the area. I think they are keeping it for world heritage sort of thing.

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