Friday, April 9, 2010

Tik tok tik tok


It is the one thing that many people are eager to get their hands on. The younger ones wanted to fast forward time and grow up sooner to enjoy the freedom it holds. The elder ones wanted to turn back time and return to the days when they were wild and free. But what about the ones already in that particular age bracket? The very ones aged from 18 to 30? The same ones termed as young?

Are the young people having fun as they should be? Are they enjoying their youth as depicted? It is of no doubt that being young does have it advantages. It is a blessing to be able to reach this stage. You got the looks. You got the health. You got time. You got the freedom. You got the confidence. You got to be a little reckless and someone would be there to cover things up for you. And unless you were born with a silver spoon, the only thing that you don't have is wealth.

There is just so much to do. So much to see. And yet, certain people just didn't know how to capitalise on their youth. They decided to let time slip pass and throw it all away. Of course, I do not have the right to tell you what you should do with your life. But some people just don't realise what they would be missing. Well, time doesn't move backwards, you know that, no matter how you wish that it would.

I have seen some who live theirs to the fullest. They work hard, and they play hard. They build their careers. They go for adventures. They get their hands on new skills. The try out relationships. They splurge to reward themselves. They save enough for stormy days up ahead. By the time they are out of their youth, they would have a few accolades under their belts to be proud of.

There are also some who thinks that it's not such big of a deal. "So what? It's just another phase in life." Those who have given up. Or those without purpose. Or those who turn a blind eye. They would rather play computer games at home. They would rather sacrifice education. They would rather do drugs and crimes. They would rather be controlled by someone else and forgo themselves. They would rather be married and have kids. C'mon!


It doesn't always come your way. You've only got that 10 years or so. Don't let yourself regret that you didn't go skiing on the Alps after you were contracted with arthritis. Don't let yourself regret that you didn't take up that promising job offer just because your spouse told you not to. Don't let yourself regret that you didn't listen to your heart and let others decide for you. Don't let yourself regret that you discontinued your studies and married some guy only to run into a divorce. Yes. People do make mistakes. Just be certain that you do not regret the mistakes you made.

The clock is ticking. Only a few more years left. There is still time to make a new start. There is still time to catch up. There is still time to continue. The choice is yours to make.....

Youth. What is your take on that?

5 whispered:

-the observer- said...

Switzerland is beautiful in autumn. Are u up for it? We can go and learn skiing? LOL!

*~fui~* said...

Which is it now? Switzerland, Scotland or Italy?

-the observer- said...

Next year: Italy! See Venice before it sinks! Then Scotland the following year! Then Switzerland the following year of next year! :p

*~fui~* said...

Alrite! I'm up for them! Yippie~~~

eternalsmooth said...

hm...deep...i hope i'm not wasting my time...=P

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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