Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rough weeks

The past few weeks have been a real disaster. Things at work have not turned out so well. There was some sort of issue almost every day. After the third issue, I was starting to anticipate the next one. I went in to work every morning asking, "So what would be wrong today?".

I was being blamed for a mistake not by my doing. I was being blamed for something that I didn't know about. I was being blamed for a wrongly interpreted message by the other party. I was being blamed for not fixing a mess that was caused 3 years ago. I made mistakes that I don't usually do. I got to pick up after my staff. My work was mounting as I had so much to do. I was irritated. I was depressed. I didn't know what could I do. I thought of quitting.

Then I became superstitious. I suspected that my destiny had changed. My pre-determined course of events had changed. I went back to the shrink. I was desperate to know what could be made right. I was right. She read my signs and she knew. She told me exactly what had happened. The rough ride at work. And it was inevitable. Damn! She mentioned something about the sun, "my" sun, which came up at night. So my light has been shadowed. It is something that I have to go through. The only consolation is that its temporary. After its passed, work would run smoothly again.

I believed her and hung on to my job. I go into work each morning now knowing things would somehow or rather turn ugly. At least, now I learn to stay calm, keep my cool and try my best to handle things.

0 whispered:

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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