Sunday, November 19, 2006

REC Industrial Update/Group Dinner

It's an annual thingy. REC wud haf this training/industry updates ( as they call it ) once a year to brief staffs on the new issues in the auditing line. This year's limelight was on the transition from MASB to FRSs in regards to public listed companies.

We had ours this year at University Malaya. We booked Rumah University for the whole day. Around 140 ppl turned up. From partners to managers to seniors to juniors. UM sure is huge. And some of their buildings still have this British structures in them. Real 'cun'. There was some exams going on campus, so, we saw students doing last minute cramming on the sidewalks and on the steps. Hah! I'm thru with all those. :p

Rumah University is an "antique" double storey house. Dat's why it's called a rumah. We had our trainings and discussions in this some sort of conference room on the first floor. It was comfy altho a little crammed for the so many of us. To be frank, it was bored la. The managers were doing all the talking and we were doing all the listening. Some fell asleep and some 'entertained' themselves. Me and sharon were juz plain talking...and gossipping. Haha!

We had games to lightened up at the end of the day. We were divided into groups. The task was to use 2 newspapers and 5 A4 papers to increase the height of our group leaders in 15 minutes. Winners will be based on creativity, durability and obviously height. Winners will each get a prize while the losers will need to perform at the group dinner later on. It was fun. And it was a rush. In the end, my group didn't win...and we didn't lose either.

Ooo...finally it was time to head to the long awaited group dinner at Tropicana Golf & Country Resort. Dat's wer wealthy ppl stay. And i can say, they are truly very very wealthy! The whole parking area was filled with RECians' vehicles. One whole gang masuk macam itu. Cool. Dinner was buffet styled. But not much of varieties. Who cares! We enjoyed the performances more. I didn't stop laughing the entire nite. The performances they laid out was damn hilarious. We had really sporting managers and staffs. And the performance master did his job well. There was a fashion show. Followed by a real silly Q & A session. Then the managers were forced to sing. There were lucky draws and exchange of gifts for everyone. I got this really cute doggie. It's sitting in my car rite now. The whole thing ended at around 10.30. We stayed on till like 11 for some group and personal photograph sessions.

No. It was not over yet. Belum mau balik lagi. The few of us went to Baywatch to yam cha. It's some wer in Tropicana oso la. We had wanted to go since the last few weeks. My this colleague gaf in and finally brought us there. The environment is sort of cool. They haf an aquarium of sharks at the entrance. It's more of a pub la. But since it was a Thursday nite, it was quite empty. We were the only big group seated there. Making a whole lot of noise with all the laughters and b/g relationships. Plus a 'few' going to be drunk ppl talking nonsense. First time out for a nite drink with my colleagues. A whole different experience. We shall hang out more often in the coming days. ;)

The supposedly 15 minutes drink lasted to an hr and a half. Haha. Reached home around 1 in the morning. Phew! Was out the entire day. Woke up early for work the next morning. Arghh!

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

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