Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Queue or not to queue?

Dear middle-aged women,

I know that these freshly baked biscuits are extremely delicious and you can't wait to get your hands on them. From the license plates of your sons' or husbands' vehicles waiting by the road, I know that you've come a long way to get them back to your hometowns. I also do know that your child or grandchild is bawling inside the vehicle and that you are rushing back to comfort them. I understand that the owner of the bakery is a close friend of yours or your mother's or some relative.

But despite all these, it's still not a reason for you to walk straight up from a very long queue, up to the very front, and order the workers to attend to your needs first. It is just plain rude! Very ignorant and simply ill-mannered. You have no respect for others and more so for yourself. Is this how your very own parents taught you and is this the way you are going to teach your child or grandchild in the waiting vehicle?

I don't care that you are much elder than I am or that I would be labelled as rude to an elder, but you have just demonstrated that you are not to be respected. So I won't hold back in pointing out the obvious and to tell you to get back in line and wait for another 30 minutes like the rest of us did. The biscuits are not running away.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
An annoyed biscuit lover

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

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