Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Balik kampung"

You, moving on a one lane trunk road. Surrounded by hills on both sides. You know it's a sunny day but you can't feel the heat of the sun as trees covered its rays. You'd see clouds and mist hanging over the hills from a distance. As you take in the serene surroudings, a flock of birds flew past to keep you company.

The road goes on to be bumpy. You try your best to avoid the port holes. And then it became sandy and muddy. A pool of water on one side of it. You'd be careful not to hit into anything. You speed up upon seeing a little clearing up front. Only to be blocked by a truck. You tried to overtake, but the oncoming vehicle from the opposite direction doesn't allow you any opportunity at all. So you gave up, be patient and just trailed behind.

An aunty on an old bike cycled past, with some sayur from the morning market in the front basket. A pak cik, in singlets and shorts, sipping coffee at the run down coffee shop. As you stopped to ask for directions, the people were all smiles and were more than willing to tell you how to get there. As you continued your journey further, you'd passed by old, wooden, and nicely kept kampung houses. And then you'd see a railway track running through an oil palm estate not too far away.

You'd imagine that you'd only get to see these if you are on your way back to the north or to the west coast. But, as a matter in fact, you'd only need to travel an hour north of KL to see all these. I couldn't imagine how undeveloped this place could be being so near to KL city. You won't get to see any buildings higher than 5 storries there. People living there were very laid back and everything happens in slow-mo. They talk slowly. They walk slowly. They drive slowly. They do everything slowly. I feel like I'm in another world by going to work there everyday.

The good thing about it is, I get to escape the buzz of city life when I'm there. It's relaxing. It's not that stressfull. It's peaceful. And it's serene.

0 whispered:

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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