Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ignorance is bliss?

I'm a blur case. Ppl who know me would tell u this. Blur in the sense that I sometimes won't be able to get what others are saying. Or I get lost in certain conversations. You need to repeat things at times in order to get my full attention. "Huh?" happens to be another one of my common words. Oblivious of my surroundings. Yea. I didn't think that it would matter much all along. Coz it's my nature. Born with it. Under the Pisces sign. And as far as I've read, Pisceans are dreamers. I don't know about the rest, but it holds true for me. So, as you would have guessed, my mind will go wondering most of the time. If not all of the time. And where does my mind usually fly to? Don't ask.

Until recently, the blurness is not a good thing after all. I mean I didn't think that it was good a thing. I just live with it. Being blur, or rather, being ignorant, won't take u far in life. I didn't want to know things around me. I didn't want to see. I didn't want to hear. I didn't want to care. I didn't want to learn. I was just being plain lazy. Or maybe, it's not my nature at all to be curious. I live by everyday knowing that someone will be there to, somehow, take care of everything. And someone really did. So, I continued to live in my dreamy world. Only to be awaken at certain times. When it is necessary to do so. Yea, call me pampered. Call me spoilt. I've heard that a lot. Got teased a lot. Lolz. But I was not once bothered by them. I laughed them off. No hard feelings. No offense taken.

Reality finally slapped. It dawned upon me after so many years that a someone can't alwiz be there to take care of everything. To be my shield. To be my guardian angel. It is time to take things back into my own hands. For a change. Yes, you are right. Fui, it is time to wake up. Time to grow up. Time to be a little mature and take responsibility for the stuffs that you do. You can't pull off being confident and convincing in the world if you continue your ways. You would be laughed at. Where would u be if you knew nothing about the world? Nothing about ur culture? Nothing about ur life? You'll end up being a nobody. Coming to think of it, I am coming close to being a nobody. I am of no use for most situations. I'm just there for the sake of......being there.

I am trying. It is not easy. I can't escape from being a Piscean, can't I?
Be with me.

0 whispered:

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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