Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Now you have it, now you don't

People contradict themselves at times. It happens to everyone at some point in time or the other.

Life can be very routine. You do the same type of work. You meet with the same colleagues. You hang out with the same friends. You buy the same groceries. You attend the same functions. You drive through the same route. You eat the same meals. Day in, day out. And after a while, you'd dread the things that you do everyday. You'd get fed-up. You'd get frustrated. You'd get irritated. You'd start to long for a change. Oh, how nice would it be if you could do other things instead? Your mind plays with all other types of possibililties. And when you can't hold on to it any longer, when you can no longer contain your longing, you'd resort to the change you desired.

You switch jobs. You meet new colleagues. They introduced you to new friends. When your lifestyle changes, so does almost every other thing. You start to buy different groceries. You attend different functions. You drive through a whole different route all together. You tend to try out new dishes. And you are happy with it. There's absolutely nothing wrong. As a young adult, you have no problems in adapting to change. That's what we do anyway. Young people are adventurous. We can't be just sticking to one "life" all the time.

But along the way, as you are enjoying a new you, you suddenly come across your "old" lifestyle out of the blue. A call from a previous colleague. A gathering from an "old" friend. A stop by this cafe that you frequented everyday a few months ago. A diversion back to the route you once used and familiar buildings came into view. You experience a sudden pang of nostalgia and you kinda miss your "old" life once a upon a time ago. Never mind the sour parts, at least the sweet ones did not fail to put a smile onto your face. Some where deep inside your head, you would like to re-live the life you had. The one that you were so comfortable with. The one that kept you safe.

Maybe you can say that life has way of messing up with you. You neglect the things that you are blessed with. And when you lose it, whether by choice or not, you would be dying to get it back. Only that things will never be the same again. Might not hold true for certain people. But I reckon surely everyone feels that way. Cause we share this one thing in common. We are all humans.

0 whispered:

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Pampered. Rebellious. Princess.

When words get unspoken...

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